Quiz #1 CMP-2122 MSCIT1st 2017

Max Marks: 10
Course: CMP-2122 (MSCIT 1st 2017)
Class: MSCIT 1st 2017

What are three types of repetition structures in C programming?

While Repetition Structure:

A repetition statement allows you to specify that an action is to be repeated while some condition remains true. It’s also called as counter controlled repetition. In this repetition we exactly know how many times the statements will be repeated.

Simple C program to print “Hello World” string 5 times

i = 0;

while ( i <= 4 ) {

printf(‘Hello World! \n’);

i = i+1;


Do-While Repetition Structure:

The do…while repetition statement is similar to the while statement. In the while statement, the loop-continuation condition is tested at the beginning of the loop before the body of the loop is performed.

In do…while statement, the loop-continuation condition is tested after the loop body is performed.

Therefore, the loop body will be executed at least once

do {


} while ( condition );

For Repetition Structure:


Sr# Name Roll No Marks
1 16-mscit-21 Shamraiz Iqbal (Repeater) 16-mscit-21 NA
2 16-mscit-29 Iram Naz (Repeater) 16-mscit-29 NA
3 17-mscit-01 Ayesha Kanwal 17-mscit-01 NA
4 17-mscit-02 Arbaz Naeem 17-mscit-02 NA
5 17-mscit-03 Adeela Rani 17-mscit-03 NA
6 17-mscit-04 Shaista Khan 17-mscit-04 NA
7 17-mscit-05 Asma Benish 17-mscit-05 NA
8 17-mscit-06 Maria Ummar 17-mscit-06 NA
9 17-mscit-07 Azka Riaz 17-mscit-07 NA
10 17-mscit-08 Shar Bano 17-mscit-08 NA
11 17-mscit-09 Sahrish Ansar 17-mscit-09 NA
12 17-mscit-10 Maryam Akram 17-mscit-10 NA
13 17-mscit-11 Seerat Zhra 17-mscit-11 NA
14 17-mscit-12 Sana Sultan 17-mscit-12 NA
15 17-mscit-13 Kiran Yasmeen 17-mscit-13 NA
16 17-mscit-14 Bilal Afzal 17-mscit-14 NA
17 17-mscit-15 Pakeeza Arshad 17-mscit-15 NA
18 17-mscit-16 Muhammad Zia Awan 17-mscit-16 NA
19 17-mscit-17 Fariha Maryam 17-mscit-17 NA
20 17-mscit-18 Muhammad Jahangir Alam 17-mscit-18 NA
21 17-mscit-19 Tahseena Kanwal 17-mscit-19 NA
22 17-mscit-20 Arslan Habib 17-mscit-20 NA